Thursday 2 April 2009


Throughout this module I have learnt alot of new skills that I think will benefit me throughout my career of Design.

I have learnt to concentrate on the size of type and layout of type in the way of hierachy. I also found the help with creating my own business card and CV very helpful as I got good feedback from the class for this and I enjoyied designing them. The work that we have produced over the weeks I would like to use to look back on to give me help in my design work I have also been documenting the class work on my Type Blog which is easy accessable for me.
Ive found that when looking at Type out and about on adverts and in magazines etc, I look at the style, readability, layout and also consider how I could make this better and what it would look like if I was to re design in using the skills I have learnt in this module.

Ive looked at a range of Typography research from magazines, the internet and from books where I focussed on Type artwork and layout where I focussed in the more detailed areas, I will be using my Type Diary to carry on my documentation if I come across any interesting work in the future. I really enjoyied documenting in the Type Diary as it was something that became personal to me.

The strenghts in my work I think would be the layout of type as I have become more interested in this area. I consider this as important for the user and would like to carry on using the layout skills I have in my own design work. I have applied for work experience involving with magazine design so hopefully I can push the skills that I
already have in layout to a more professional level.

The weaknesses in my work I think would have to be choice of type as Im not quite familiar with alot of fonts. I think if I new the right fonts I then think this would help in my layout work for readability. I also think I need to know alot more of the technical side of the letterform and to have a more understanding for it.

I think next time I would focus on more in depth research and set a focus and restriction on certain areas in the visual type investigation.

Overall I think I have worked well and haven taken alot of interest in this module and have found it very interesting to know the detailed areas about typography, I think I have benefited alot from it and will carry on my observation and analyis of Type in the future.

Saturday 17 January 2009


Using my first initial we were told to form a pattern I chose to use a serif font, I locked the two letters together one being rotated upside down which formed what looks like a roman numeral.

Here I chose a sans serif font to create pattern but rotating the letters to form a repetitive pattern.

With this we were told to use a our intial again but in lower case, I didnt think about this pattern I just did it and that seems to be the best way because it turned out to be quite successful I didnt intend to make an image out of it just somehow happened and it looks quite like a castle or something out of mario lol!

Friday 16 January 2009


With the three words using the same font and alignment throughout we had to make each word a different hierarchy so they were read at different times.

Here I made the words all the same weight so they could be read easily one after the other.

The next one I did was that confused had to be read first then stretch then lastly boom. To make confused read first I put a black background behind it and made the text white, I then made stretch bold and boom light and italic.

I then made confused black and bold, stretch grey and bold and boom grey and the weight light so the different words could be read with all of a different hierarchy.

I then made confused all in CAPITALS and bold, then stretch I made the leading higher so the letters were furthur apart and boom was grey with the weight light.


Using a the word stretch now we had to goo through the same process but using a different font I chose the font Helvetica Nue. This shows stretch as it would be said normally in conversation.

I then showed stretch loudly by centering the text and making it bold.

I then showed stretch very slowly by changing the weight of the font and I also split the word into two making it extra slow to read.

I then had to make stretch even slower to read so I stacked the letters on top of each other to make it harder as well as slower to read.